Sunday, March 1, 2015

Holiday List - March 2015

March 2015

1 - Namesake Day 
2 - Texas Independence Day
3 - Unique Names Day
4 - National Grammar Day
5 - Learn What Your Name Means Day
6 - Day of the Dude
7 - Sock Monkey Day
 8 - Check Your Batteries Day
9 - Napping Day 
10 - International Day of Awesomeness
11 - World Plumbing Day
12 - Girl Scouts Day
13 - National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day
14 - Pi Day
15 - Buzzards Day
16 - Lips Appreciation Day
17 - National Irish Coffee Day
18 - Awkward Moments Day
19 - National Chocolate Covered Caramel Day
20 - Alien Abduction Day / International Day of Happiness
21 - Corn Dog Day
22 - National Goof-off Day
23 - Near Miss Day / OK Day
24 - National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
25 - Pecan Day
26 - Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
27 - Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day
28 - Weed Appreciation Day / Barnum & Bailey Day
29 - Texas Loves the Children Day
30 Pencil Day
31 - National 'She's Funny That Way' Day

Aaaand, here is the disclaimer. As I've said before, I do not make up these holidays. These are all real holidays, celebrated somewhere in the world (mostly the US, and when at all possible, Texas - I like to keep it local). Some days have more than one holiday - I am aware of this, and I have chosen the one I like best. It was my idea to post the holidays for you, so I get to pick. Mainly though, because, which would you rather celebrate, World Choral Day or Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day (Dec 8)? Sure, about three of you said World Choral Day because you have really nice singing voices and like to sing in public (sorry). The rest of us will be acting like we just showed up from the future and are looking for a flux capacitor. What I mean to say is, if you don't like the holiday, just wait until the next day - I'm sure it will be better suited for you.